1. VOLANTI SUBVENIMUS- an abstract of the history of aviation medicine research in Germany with a chapter about MWP-research [WM 10/2019]
  2. Febr, 15 02:30 pm TV-channel WDR; broadcast of the TV documentation about our Himalaya-expedition, Part I ; Febr, 16, Laender-Menschen-Abenteuer Part 2; < Info preview Berlin >
  3. MET Panel, 2018 on February 2-3, 2018- Lufthansa Aviation Training
  4. Dec, 2017-new papers about the results of our NEPAL-Expedition
  5. Sep, 6 2017, Otto Lilienthal Medal (DGLR) - awarded to Klaus Ohlmann
  6. XXXIII. OSTIV Congress 2017 Benalla (AUS) with MWP-lectures about high altidude medicine and a turbulence case study RTW Solar Impulse [+ Met Panel]
  7. Apr, 23 03:00 pm TV-channel PHOENIX; broadcast of the documentation about our Himalaya-expedition
  8. Subproject High Altitude Physiology - results (paper)
  9. Invited Lecture - Stuttgart; First results of the Nepal- research mission
  10. Aerospace Medical Association - Annual Scientific Meeting 2015; Lecture about our inflight measurements of oxygen saturation during the Himalaya exped., Wednesday, May 13
  11. Earthquake: The GEO data of the DLR/MWP last arial measurements currently support essential data to the rescue teams in Nepal
  12. From Strausberg to Mount Everest, TV-documentry about our MWP-expedition- see DW channel (Video-engl. version)
  13. OSTIV-Workshop - Lecture Rene Heise, Winterthur, Switzerland
  14. Official event in Berlin TV-preview, Magazine ADLER, Febr 2015
  15. Lecture Sidonie Ohlmann- Hextentreffen, Berlin 2015
  17. FAI - News
  18. DW- Himalaya 3D terrain model (german version)
  19. rbb preview- TV feature " From Strausberg to Mount Everest" (part II) Minister Garden Berlin
  20. rbb TV-feature (part I; 45') about Himalaya-Expedition via Mediathek online
  21. OLC-News: "Making of" - new MWP TV-feature
  22. Lectures about MWP- measurement campaign "Nepal 2014" at the 52nd Annual Conference, German Society of Aviation and Space Medicine (DGRLM)- Heidelberg
  23. Lecture - Klaus Ohlmann - Soaring Convention Braunschweig
  24. New article "On the top of the world" - DLR magazin p.40 (PDF)
  25. New aviation magazine FlyBB with a short MWP-story
  26. Omega Tau Podcast - new scientific episodes about the 3D- camera (DLR) and S10-VTX flights over the Himalaya
  27. Lectures (Rene) at the ZHAW (Switzerland) and XXXII. OSTIV congress during WGC 2014 in Leszno
  28. Planet Earth (July 2014)
  29. German Aerospace Center - Magazine (PDF; June 2014)
  30. "Voellig vermessen" - article with the first official images of the new 3D-model of glaciers south of Mt. Everest- Welt am Sonntag 29/06/2014
  31. May , 25 14 UTC- successful landing of our research Stemme S10 VTX in Aachen- Mission completed! See also TV- feature WDR (Video)
  32. MWP-lectures at International Aeroscpace Exhibition in Berlin
  33. Blog of Philipp concerning actual S10 VTX flight Kathmandu-Berlin
  34. The new TV-documentation - research flights over the glaciers of the Mt. Everest-region is now being produced
  35. First results of our Himalaya GEO-expedition will be given at International Aerospace Exhibition - ILA Berlin 2014
  36. Fliegerrevue 5/2014
  37. Süddeutsche Zeitung
  38. Aerokurier 5/2014
  39. New press articles about our last expedition i.e. Lilienthaler
  40. German Embassy Kathmandu
  41. " Höhenflug " - FH Aachen
  42. MWP-flight over the glaciers in the vicinity of Mt.Everest (DLR-press release)- see amazing video
  43. Glaciers and mountains in 3D – DLR special camera flies over Himalayas for first time
  44. Actual physiological measurements over Himalaya and explorer flights in regard of DLR-campaign
  45. Jan, 17- the first subproject (aerosol measurements) was successful completed in Pokhara
  46. Press article Fliegerrevue 1/2014 via BBAA
  47. Dec, 10- First explorer flights over the Himalaya
  48. Dec, 9 Conferring of the official permission for the MWP campaign
  49. High Altitude Physiology -first in- flight measurements
  50. Nov, 24.-28, Explorer tour in Mustang, consultation with ATC in Jomsom
  51. Nov, 11 10:15 pm - broadcast of a new tv feature on the scientific magazine OZON
  52. Press article Adler 11/2013
  53. Nov, 11 successful landing of the KNFH -Crew Sidonie Ohlmann/Jona Keimer in Kathmandu-congratulations!
  54. Nov, 9 the first team members arrived in Pokhara
  55. Nov, 1 successful landing of the Crew Ohlmann/Soila in Kathmandu-congratulations!
  56. Oct, 29 sucessful take off with the MWP-research airplane KNFH in Strausberg (team-photo). Actual position of aircraft ( track )
  57. Oct, 19 Preparation of the research airplane KNFH is going on in Strausberg.
  58. Oct, 06 Rene is going for final preparations to Kathmandu-so as the Stemme-planes are waiting for departure in Strausberg
  59. Sept, 19 - high altitude training in a hypobaric chamber
  60. August, 21 - the last test flight with S10 VTX & DLR System will take place over the Berchtesgadener Alps
  61. Soaring Cafe -article Apr 21, 2013
  62. German Aerospace Center (DLR) MACS-Himalaya aerial camera takes first shots
  63. SkyLines is cooperating with MWP
  64. The aircraft Stemme S10 VTX D-KNFH from the FH Aachen - Faculty Aerospace Technology- will be the research aircraft for the MWP Expedition Himalaya 2013
  65. March 02, 2013 Lecture (Rene) at the wave seminar in Hannover (IMUK)
  66. First simulator training in regard of SID/SIA Kathmandu (VNKT) successful completed
  67. Interview MWP chief pilot Klaus Ohlmann with ALPS magazine (see Magazine 2/2013)
  68. Jan  29, 2013 - 01 pm - GEO TV-feature "Wave riders of the Andes" or "Les Enragés du vol à voile" on ARTE
  69. Jan 18, 2013 Lecture (Rene) at the wave seminar in Bensheim (see aerokurier 3/2013)
  70. OSTIV Expedition Nepal 2013 - meeting at the IC of Federal Foreign Office in Berlin
  71. Oct 17, 2012 -1.226km a new outstanding flight in waves over the Pyrenees
  72. Next meeting concerning Himalaya-Expedition at the ILA Berlin 2012
  73. Lecture (Rene) at the XXXI. OSTIV Congress WGC Uvalde (USA) with news about the next mwp-expedition -   ( Summary )
  74. Peep behind the szenes of MWP Morning Glory - airborne measurements of the MWP chief scientist Joerg Hacker (Sept 2012)
  75. Apr 08, 2012 - 1.427km over the Alps  a new outstanding flight in waves over the Alps
  76. In Memoriam of a Renaissance Man - Obituary for the Wave Pionieer Joachim P. Kuettner [ Magazine Segelfliegen 1/2012 ] ; [ OSTIV ]
  77. STEMME - Newsletter 1/2012
  78. Update of empirical positions Rotor-Wave (i.e. wave of Odenwald)
  79. MWP exhibition area at Museum at Technology in Berlin ( 2011-2013 )
  80. New tv-feature at OZON (RBB)
  81. MWP wins an Award of the European Meteorological Society
  83. Exhibition "Brandenburg Land der Flieger" - Rodeo-Movie (11/08/2011)
  84. Aerospace Medical Association,  82nd Scientic Meeting (Anchorage, Lecture May 11, 2011- Abstract)
  85. New tv-feature at NANO will be broadcasted at April 15,  2011             
  86. 6th ExtremWeatherCongress   (Hamburg, Lecture April 14  2011)       EWC - Journal
  87. Under the Spell of Lenticularis
  88. Review: National High Altitude Record (13.105m) - a Pilot Report from Joach Kuettner
  89. AGU - Atmospheric Gravity Wave Conference (Lecture Febr 28)
  90. 08/12/2010 one flight - 3 world records in waves over the Andes; update 12/01/2011 new reord 1.755km free triangle                              ( Berliner Wetterkarte 05/01/2011 )
  91. Peep behind the szenes
  92. omegau tau podacast
  93. MWP- gallery 1999 - 2009
  94. High Altitude Physiology- lecture at the DGLRM conference
  95. Mountain Wave Clinic in Crystalair (CA) , FAA-Seminar
  96. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung- "Auf der perfekten Welle" - new press article 07/04/2010 - ( Video )
  97. high altitude physiology -
    workshop in Fuerstenfeldbruck, first measurements in St. Auban (FRA); scientific meeting+ mwp-poster during AsMA 2010 in Phoenix (USA)
  98. World Record (attempt to 2.500 km Kuettner Prize) 12/01/2010 - pilot report
  99. New OSTIV -Manual WMO-No.1038 with MWP-part

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Explore and Fly - exploration of turbulence areas, study of the system Rotor-wave in combination with outstanding flights up to the lower edge of stratosphere are the ambitious aims.

 Successful expeditions with record flights over the Andes, amazing flights over french    See Alps and Pyrenees according to the sky is the limit and in combination with     scientific research. Mountain waves are atmospheric internal gravity waves and they  are topics for interest of stratospheric ozone depletion (PSC's), vertical momentum  transport (numerical weather prediction, climat simulation), forecast of space weather  (i.e. mars lander) and in the aviation they are responsible for extreme turbulence (rotor,  breaking waves). Enjoy TV-features and press reports about the adventures of the  team- where wild winds rule...

Klaus Ohlmann
mwp chief pilot
record holder- over 40 world records, 3.008 km longest glider flight of the world ever.

Prof. Joerg Hacker

mwp chief scientist, pilot, director of Airborne Research Australia (ARA) in Adelaide.

Rene Heise

mwp director, pilot, GEO-specialist, advisor for the German National Team and for record flights.